Marius-F. Danca


1984-1989 computational geometry courses, Centrul de Calcul Teritorial, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

1992 October-December: programmer analyst courses, MicroInformatica S.R.L., Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

1994-1996: programmer analyst, ProMedia Plus Computer, S.R.L. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

1983-2007: Lectured Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering at colleges (full time) and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Assistant professor, part time);

2007 January-April: Research fellow at Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks, City University of Hong Kong (Shanghai 2022 ranking: 151-200, national rank 3-4): research related to chaos and bifurcation analysis, control and anti-control, switching systems; attends seminars organiyed by the centre, in both Applied Mathematical and Engineering Technological subjects;

2007- 2009: Assistant Professor, teaching Mathematics and Computer Science at Avram Iancu University of Cluj-Napoca;

2009-present: researcher at Romanian Institute of Science and Technology;

2009-2013: Associate Professor, teaching Mathematics and Computer Science at Avram Iancu University of Cluj-Napoca;

2013-2022: Full Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science at Avram Iancu University of Cluj-Napoca;

2012 May-Jully: Research fellow at Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks, City University of Hong Kong (Shanghai 2022 ranking: 151-200, national rank 3-4);

(associated with research project "Algorithms Design and Analysis for Binary Neural Networks and Cellular Nonlinear Networks", project No. 9041556);

2015 June-August: Research fellow at Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks, City University of Hong Kong (Shanghai 2022 ranking: 151-200, national rank: 3-4);

(associated with research project GRF Grant CityU11208515 by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council);

2017 June-August Research fellow at Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks, City University of Hong Kong (Shanghai 2022 ranking: 151-200, national rank: 3-4);

2017 August: 15-19 Academic exchanges at School of Computer and Communications Engineering of Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, China;

2017 August: 19-21, visiting professor at Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Beijing, China.

2022 January-present: researcher at STAR-UBB Institute, Babes-Bolyai University (Shanghai 2022 ranking: 801-900, national rank: 1).



Grants collaboration



Ex. Year




Russian Science Foundation for the support of leading departments, Grant No-096902/F


Nikolay Kuznetsov
Professor, Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, St.Petersburg State University

• Art. G18, G19, G20


Development of analytical and numerical methods for the study and synthesis of control systems”,
Russian Science Foundation for the support of leading departments №14-21-00041

2011, 2013, 2017

Nikolay Kuznetsov
Professor, Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, St.Petersburg State University

• Art. G12, G15, G16, G17


1/0071/14, VEGA-SAV 2/0029/13 and by the
Slovak Research and Development Agency under the Contract No. APVV-14-0378. The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

2011, 2013

Prof. M. Fečkan –member
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University in Bratislav

• Art G13, G14


"Distributed pinning-control  flocking  algorithms  for  complex networked systems", 
GRF Grant, supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, No. CityUl l09ll2E  (2012-2014)

2012-2014, 2015,2017

Prof. Dr. Eng. Guanrong Chen
Director Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks (CCCN) - City University of Hong Kong

• Art. G1, G2;
• May-August 2012, research fellow at CCCN, City University of Hong Kong


“Identificación y autenticación segura en comunicaciones electrónicas”
Grant TIN2011-22668, supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain


Dr. Luis Hernández Encinas
Director Instituto de Tecnologías Fisícas y de la Información „Leonardo Torres Quevedo”(ITEFI), Spain

Art. G3, G4


“Identificación y Autentificación Seguras”
Grant TEC2009-13964-C04-02
supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain

2010 (Jan.-Dec.)

Dr. Luis Hernández Encinas
Director Instituto de Tecnologías Fisícas y de la Información „Leonardo Torres Quevedo”(ITEFI), Spain

Art.G5, G4


“Seguridad y Confianza en la Sociedad de la Información”
Grant SEGUR@ Conference CENIT-20072004
supported by Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce in Collaboratuin with Telefónica


Dr. Luis Hernández Encinas
Director Instituto de Tecnologías Fisícas y de la Información „Leonardo Torres Quevedo”(ITEFI), Spain

Art. G6


“Nuevos Protocolos de Securidad y Algoritmos Criptográficospara la Protecciónde Servicios Telemáticos”
Grant TSI2007, supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain


Prof. Dr. Fausto Montoya Vitini
Doctor Ad Honorem
Instituto de Tecnologías Fisícas y de la Información „Leonardo Torres Quevedo”(ITEFI), Spain

Art. G7


Analiza unor fenomene neliniare prin metode analitice, experimentale si simulari numeric
Contract Tip A, CNCSIS Cod 149


Prof. Dr. Steliana Codreanu
Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai

Art. G8


"Improving the  synch,ronizability  of  complex networks"
SRG Grant,  supported  by the  City  University  of Hong Kong,  No.  70021234


Prof. Dr. Eng. Guanrong Chen
Director CCCN, City University of Hong Kong

Art. G9
• Ianuarie-Aprilie 2012, research fellow at CCCN, City University of Hong Kong. 


"Complex  dynamical networks: modeling, control  and  synchrorization"
CERG Grant,  supported  by  the  Hong Kong  Research Grants  Council,  No.  CityUl  1141058  (2005-2001)


Prof. Dr. Eng. Guanrong Chen
Director CCCN, City University of Hong Kong

Art. G10


Characterization of Chaos and Synchronization in Biomedical Time Series with Novel Surrogate Techniques
PolyU Grant 5235/03E, supported by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Prof. Michal Small
The University of Western Australia

Art. G6, G10


“Evaluación de Protocolos y Algoritmos de Seguridad en Sistemas de Información”
Grant SEG 2004-02418 supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain


Prof. Dr. Fausto Montoya Vitini
Doctor Ad Honorem
Instituto de Tecnologías Fisícas y de la Información „Leonardo Torres Quevedo”(ITEFI), Spain

Art. G6


  "Designing chaos  generators  via  feedback  control  method  for  engineering applications," 
CERG  Grant, supported  by  the  Hong  Kong  Research Grants  Council,  No. CityU1004l02E


Prof. Dr. Eng. Guanrong Chen

Director CCCN, City University of Hong Kong

Art. G11


G1 Marius-F Danca, Roberto Garrappa, Wallace K. S. Tang, Guanrong Chen, Sustaining stable dynamics of a fractional-order chaotic financial system by parameter switching, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,66(5), 702–716, 2013.

G2 Marius-F Danca, W.K.S. Tang, Q. Wang, G. Chen, Suppressing chaos in fractional-order systems by periodic perturbations on system variables, The European Physical Journal B, 86(3); Article number: 79, 2013.

G3 Marius-F. Danca, Paul Bourke, Miguel Romera, Graphical exploration of the connectivity sets of alternated Julia sets; M, the set of disconnected alternated Julia sets, Nonlinear Dynamics, 73, 1155–1163, 2013.

G4 G. Pastor, M. Romera, A. B. Orue, A. Martin, Marius-F. Danca, F. Montoya, Harmonic Analysis in Discrete Dynamical Systems, International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application 1(1), 14-31, 2012.

G5 G. Pastor, M. Romera, A. Orue, A. Martin, Marius-F. Danca and F. Montoya, Calculation of the structure of a shrub in the Mandelbrot set, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2011, 1-23, 2011.

G6 M. Romera, M. Small, Marius-F. Danca, Deterministic and random synthesis of discrete chaos, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 192(1), 283–297, 2007.

G7 Marius-F. Danca, M. Romera, G. Pastor, Alternated Julia sets and connectivity properties, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 19(6) 2123–2129, 2009.

G8 Marius-F. Danca, Steliana Codreanu, Modeling numerically the Rikitake's attractors by parameter switching, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 349 (3) 861-878 2012.

G9 Marius-F. Danca, Wallace K. S. Tang and Guanrong Chen, A switching scheme for synthesizing attractors of dissipative chaotic systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 201(1-2), 650–667, 2008.

G10 4.1.37 X. Luo, M. Small, Marius-F. Danca and G. Chen, On a dynamical system with multiple chaotic attractors, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 17(9), 3235 - 3251, 2007.

G11 Marius-F. Danca and Guanrong Chen, Bifurcation and chaos in a complex model of dissipative medium, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 14(10), 3409–3447, 2004.

G12 Marius-F. Danca, Michal Fečkan, Nikolay Kuznetsov, Guanrong Chen, Looking more closely to the Rabinovich-Fabrikant system, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 26(2), 1650038 (2016).

G13 Marius-F. Danca, Michal Fečkan, Miguel Romera, Generalized Form of Parrondo' s Paradoxical Game with Applications to Chaos Control, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 24(01), 1450008 (2014).

G14 Marius-F. Danca, Michal Fečkan, Note on a Parameter Switching Method for Nonlinear ODES, Mathematica Slovaca, accepted, 2014.

G 15 Marius-F. Danca, Nikolay Kuznetsov, Guanrong Chen, Fractional-order PWC systems without zero Lyapunov exponents, Nonlinear Dynamics, accepted (2018).

G16 Marius-F. Danca, Nikolay Kuznetsov, Guanrong Chen, Approximating hidden chaotic attractors via parameter switching, CHAOS, 28, 013127 (2018).

G17 Marius-F. Danca, M. Feckan, Nikolay Kuznetsov, Guanrong Chen, Complex dynamics, hidden attractors and continuous approximation of a fractional-order hyperchaotic PWC system, Nonlinear Dynamics, accepted (2017).

G18 Marius.-F. Danca, Michal Feckan, Nikolay Kuznetsov, Chaos control in the fractional order logistic map via impulses, Nonlinear Dynamics, 98,(2), 1219–1230 (2019).

G19 Marius.-F. Danca, Michal Feckan, Nikolay Kuznetsov, Guanrong Chen, Rich dynamics and anticontrol of extinction in a prey-predator system, Nonlinear Dynamics, 98, (2), 1421–1445, (2019).

G20 Marius.-F. Danca, Paul Bourke, Nikolay Kuznetsov, Graphical structure of attraction basins of hidden attractors: the Rabinovich-Fabrikant system, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 29(01) 1930001 (2019).